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ASOM - Ep 85- We Get To Choose

  • May 9, 2021
We always talk about how busy we are… but I do think this is the busiest season of my entire life. Right now we have calving, baseball x 4 kids, a new business, and highly demanding church callings… and this silly little podcast that I release every week. This is all in addition to a 40 hour/week job at the hospital.Just whenever you don’t think you can add anything in… something else comes up. Whenever this happens, it’s really easy to get overwhelmed and only see the bad in a situation. I had this very thing happened to me this past week. Levi had a plethora of school events that all occurred on the same day. Today I talk about how that I initially reacted to that situation... and then about how I shifted my mindset around that.


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Ep. 188 - Don Campbell - Holistic Grazing Principles

  • May 6, 2021
Don Campbell is a legend of Canadian Holistic Management. He has been involved in all levels of Holistic Management International in Canada since the early days of it existence. Don joined me to talk about how HMI thinks about the grazing principles. We talk about how Don has seen the carrying capacity of his ranch nearly tripled with this management style. Don has a refreshing people first approach to management and grazing.


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ASOM - Ep 84 - Markie Hageman - Countering Animal Activists

  • May 2, 2021
Have you ever had someone come on to one of your social media pages and make outrageous claims about you and what you do? Unfortunately I had a situation like this pop up a few weeks ago. An animal activist came to my Instagram page and made some ridiculous comments. I made a video and posted it across my social media telling about this. My friend Markie Hageman reached out to me afterward and offerred her support. That prompted me to have Markie back on the podcast to talk about how to handle these types of situations. We chat exclusively about animal activists because that is who we both have come into contact with... but the lessons within can be applied to everyone with a presence on social media. This was a very valuable conversation as Markie is an incredible asset to the industry . Check her out across social media as Girls Eat Beef Too


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Ep. 187 - Justin Fruechte and Jared Knock - Roots and Ruminants Podcast

  • Apr 29, 2021
Justin Fruechte and Jared Knock, hosts of the new Roots and Ruminants podcast, joined me to talk about why they chose those two entities as their foci for their podcast. We also discuss the opportunities that exist on annual crop ground. To close out the show we answer a couple of questions from the private Facebook Group the "Working Cows Microbiome."


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ASOM - Ep 83 - Marissa Hake - Calf Vet

  • Apr 25, 2021
Veterinarians have a special place in my heart for lots of reasons. What some may know is I planned for a lot of years to be a veterinarian. But more so is the fact that I have relied for years on the expertise of vets to aid me in my cattle operation. My guest today is one of the best spokespersons for vets everywhere. Marissa Hake aka Calf Vet is a great advocate for both agriculture and veterinary medicine. We chat today about her journey as a vet. We then spend a good time talking about the mental health of vets and how that is affecting the profession. As livestock producers, I feel like we need to pay special attention to the mental health of our vet doctors. They are such integral parts of our operations. Find Marissa online at Here


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Something Worth Rioting For

  • Apr 22, 2021
Sometimes you get mad enough to throw a small child through a window. Probably not a good a idea, but you can't say you haven't thought about it. Here's the things we would riot over.


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7 Belt Loops

  • Apr 21, 2021
It's spring and we all know what that means! So, we did a quickie episode where Karen gives an agronomy update, Jen talks about planting while waiting for snow to melt, and Kelsey is on the search for quality work jeans. We wish you all a safe planting season!Follow the gals on Twitter -Jennifer Campbell - @plowwifeKaren Corrigan - @weedgirl24Kelsey Litchfield - @klitchfield13


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Ep. 186 - Logan Pribbeno - Using a Grazing Cage

  • Apr 19, 2021
Logan Pribbeno, a rancher at the Wine Glass Ranch in Southwest Nebraska, joined me to discuss their use of grazing exclusion cages. We talked about how and why they use them as well as what decisions are influenced by the process of range monitoring. Logan and I also discuss the advantages of being a second generation manager in a regenerative system.


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ASOM - Ep 82 - Medications in a Mental Health Toolbox

  • Apr 18, 2021
Solo Episode today. There was an Instagram post a few months back where I did an introduction to new followers. In that intro, I included that I worked 40 hours a week as a pharmacist. You wouldn't believe how surprised I was to find out that many people who I interacted with often did not know that about me. I decided that I should make it a priority to include some professional information in the podcast. Today, I'm talking about how medications can be a very valuable tool in our mental health toolkit. I have taken anxiety medication since 2013 and it has been very important to me becoming a better version of myself. I share my journey with meds and how my mindset has shifted around that.


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Rules of the Road

  • Apr 14, 2021
Drive thrus, passing, road rage and all the other great experiences of life are discussed this week with our panel.


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