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ASOM - Ep 90 - Diversity

  • Jun 14, 2021
I feel like diversity is a word that gets thrown around a lot without really getting down to its core meaning. Diversity should come in all forms. We should be willing to surround ourselves with people who think a little bit differently than us so we are not living in an echo chamber. Within agriculture, there is so much nuance and subtle differneces in the way we practice and how we operate in our individual lives that it should be celebrated... not used as a point of contention. I chat also about diversifying our own lives. This episode was influenced by a couple of Instagram posts from a couple of great gals... Kylie Epperson (@thegratefulfarmwife) and Kathryn Mentzer (@everydayillinoisfarmfamily)


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Ep. 193 - Greg Christiansen - Incorporating Goats in a Commercial Operation

  • Jun 11, 2021
Greg Christiansen of Grandview Livestock in Eastern Kansas joined me to discuss the benefits and challenges of incorporating goats and sheep into a commercial cattle operation. We talk about how goats are good for land than trends toward brush as well as the opportunities that exist to incorporate goats into land that is currently only being grazed by cattle.


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ASOM - Ep 89 - Sam Goldberg - Silo the Film Revisited

  • Jun 6, 2021
Today We welcome back our friend Sam Goldberg of Silo The Film. If you are following along, we chatted with Sam last year about Silo and the impact it had made in the time since its release. As many of you know so much has changed in the past year and we chat to Sam about how Silo and Sam have been affected this year. We also chat a little bit about a new project that Sam and his team have in the works dealing with the mental health side of agriculture. So excited for Sam and for all the new things he has going on. Find all things Silo at


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Ep. 192 - Elaine Froese - Starting the Succession Discussion

  • May 31, 2021
Elaine Froese is a farm coach with 30 years of experience helping families facilitate healthy relationships. She joined me to discuss the process of getting the succession planning discussion started as well as some realistic goals and expectations. We also take some voicemails about getting people to join in the discussion and what to do when someone wants to change the agreement.


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ASOM - Ep 88 - Dr. Holly Roberts - University of Nebraska Medical Center

  • May 30, 2021
Back to interview podcasts today. A few months ago, Elizabeth Lewan from American Psychological Association reached out to me regarding the impact COVID has had on America’s farmers. She put me in contact with Dr. Holly Roberts from the Psychology Department at University of Nebraska Medical Center. Holly and I chatted about her background in a farming community and how getting mental health care treatment into farming communities is often a challenge. We discuss that although COVID is a challenge, it also produced the opportunity to showcase that Telehealth can really work. I am very flattered that APA reached out to me and put me in touch with Holly. I’m also quite impressed that APA is recognizing this need and is going to work on it. To get in contact with Holly send her a message at


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Ep. 191 - Leann Schafer and Chelsey Erdmann - Managing a Complex Multi-Generational Operation

  • May 24, 2021
Mother-Daughter pair Leann Schafer and Chelsey Erdmann are Proud 5th and 6th generation on the farm, feedlot, cow-calf, and Purina feed dealership operation in central North Dakota. Their family farm got its start in 1893. Today it continues to be a family business with four generations involved daily. The opportunity to work close to and see family every day is the best part of their business. After working off farm following college, Chelsey left a job she enjoyed to invest in her family farm dreams. Her grandparents’ retirement opened a role for her and her brother to get started farming. Both Chelsey and Leann are actively involved every day. During feeding season they run the feed wagon, get their hands dirty and make the important decisions. The balance in their family business with a variety of perspectives is part of what makes it work and keeps it well rounded.


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ASOM - Ep 87 - Running For Better Mental Health

  • May 23, 2021
Today I chat about my journey of running and how it has improved my overall health. I talk about my first half marathon and how it was likely where the idea for this podcast came about.


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Ep. 190 - Craig Thompson and Gordon Decker - Rockside Ranch

  • May 18, 2021
Craig Thompson and Gordon Decker joined me to talk about how agriculture is a great place for men in crisis to experience life change. We talk about how they are approaching this at Rockside Ranch as well as future expansion goals for the ministry.


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ASOM - Ep 86 - Boundaries

  • May 16, 2021
“Boundaries are rules you create for how other people can behave toward you” - @melrobbinsAn overarching theme in all of the content I have been consuming lately is talking about boundariesNow I’m not sure if it’s like when you get a new car and all of a sudden you see that new car everywhere... but it has been showing up significantly nonethelessI believe it is essential to set boundaries around what is most important to you.To have boundaries, you must first set priorities and then set core values around them.Everyone has different priorities.Mine are as follows...1) My faith in God2) My own health and well being3) The health and strength of my marriage4) My children5) My job6) My farm7) My church calling8) Everything elseOur priorities and the boundaries we set around them are totally up to us and we must stand firm in them... unfortunately this doesn’t mean that everyone is going to respect them how we would like them to.... and that’s ok and totally not up to us.Set firm boundaries and stick to themWhat are your priorities and boundaries?Do you have a difficult time saying “No?”Do you feel like you let others down when you can’t always be there for them?I struggle with this mightily. But setting clear boundaries can help us show up as our most authentic self.


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Ep. 189 - Zack Smith - Stock Cropping at Scale

  • May 10, 2021
Zack Smith joined me to discuss the progress on bringing the Cluster Cluck 5000 to market and scale the practice of Stock Cropping. We also talk about the economic benefits from the first year of the experiment plot.


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