I remember when I was buying my first car, my dad offered the advice of "the excitement won't outlast the payments." I've carried that advice into my 15 or so years of true adulthood when making financial decisions that affect myself and my family in the long term. It has helped me be much more intentional with how and why I spend my money. Check us out on Patreon at www.patreon.com/agstateofmind
A little while back, I was listening to the John C Maxwell Podcast. On there, he had a 4 part series talking about lessons learned from his dad. I thought that was so cool. So now, I have decided to do the same. My dad is on the sunset years of his life and I wanted to put this out there. Today, I want to talk about how my dad and mom have had a successful marriage of almost 66 years. How a coffee shop conversation with my dad had one of the most profound effects on how I viewed what a successful marriage looks like.
City Slickers was a big movie for me growing up. My dad loved it, my brothers loved, I loved it. We quoted it all the time. Just the other day, I saw that it was on Netflix and watched it again. That movie hits just a little bit different when you're a dad with kids than before. I talk today about how it hit me and how the parallels with myself and the main character allowed me to reflect on the goings on in my life. Brought to you by mystiklubes.com
In 2018 I met Burke Teichert who is one of my personal heroes in the ranching industry. From that moment forward I began to think differently about ranching. I began to look at it from a more holistic point of view. This has led me to change many things within our business. Today, I talk about the why behind these changes. That why is better overall health for me and my family. We get into the practices that I have changed and how getting more in sync with nature has made for better health. Brought to you by Mystik Lubricants. For a look at their full range of top-quality products, visit mystiklubes.com
I used to get super annoyed when podcasts would re release old episodes. That was before I was a podcaster. I know realize there is value in circling back to revisit old episodes. Dr Temple Grandin has one of the most special and brightest minds that has lent itself to the ranching industry. Through her groundbreaking work and research, she has revolutionized cattle handling. In a talk with a friend, I realize that this recording would be valuable to revisit due to the fact of our in depth discussion into the food supply chain. Enjoy this week's Thanksgiving episode with the great Dr. Temple Grandin. Brought to you by Mystik Lubricants. For a look at their full range of top-quality products, visit mystiklubes.com
Hello friends. I'm back again with another solo episode. In this week's episode I'm going to let you know what the podcast is going to look like going forward for a little while. I had a very clear impression that something needed to change with the podcast. I have been experiencing some severe stress in regards to scheduling podcast interviews. In an effort to keep the podcast going but still be mindful of my own mental health, you're going to see a bit of a change. Take a listen to the episode to see what these changes are going to look like. Brought to you by Mystik Lubricants. For a look at their full range of top-quality products, visit mystiklubes.com
Solo episode this week talking about some of my on the farm trials and how having patience and faith through these trials has helped me gain some appreciation and gratitude. This week's episode is brought to you by BASF
Natalie Kovarik and Tara Vander Dussen are two remarkable ladies. They have done so much to advance the true side of agriculture online in a time where there is so much misinformation spread about ag. They reached out to me to have a conversation about what they have learned and how they came together to start a course called Elevate Ag to help individuals navigate the difficult landscape of social media to tell their story of agriculture. Go to https://www.elevateyouragstory.com/ to sign up for this course
Another return podcast guest this week. We had the fortune of hearing from Whitney Kinne first on episode 72 of the podcast. Today, Whitney returns and we discuss how to incorporate her framework of R.E.S.T. into our daily lives. We talk a lot about burnout and how we can try and get proactive to avoid it. Giving ourselves a little bit of margin so we can back up when we do get overwhelmed. Check out Whitney at https://www.whitneykinne.com/
Macey Hurst has been a friend of mine for quite sometime now. She was guest way back on Episode 25 of the podcast. So much has changed for Macey since then. Her and I have actually had many chances to work together in her time with Missouri Cattlemen's Association. We chat today with Macey about how her mental health journey has evolved since we last chatted. We talk about her life transitions and how an unexpected source gave her the encouragement to take the next step on the road to better mental health. Find Macey on Instagram