Jeffrey Yarosz chats about what we need to know about hemp production.
Priscilla Asonibare chats us through Hello Tractor, a new technology for producers in Africa.
Tommy Grisafi joins us today to talk risk and futures.
Ed Vallee chats us through some weather patterns we are going to be seeing during #harvest19.
Kylie Epperson chats with us today about how her family was able to start their operation.
Dr. Dermot Hayes chats us through the effects African Swine Fever is having on the economy.
Jeremy Groteske chats us through the new yield estimate app by Pioneer.
Angie Setzer chats us through the markets and what we may be seeing with the upcoming trade agreements.
Dr. Phil Tong, Director of Dairy Science, Education and Research at American Dairy Products Institute, sits down and chats us through their new study on whey permeate.
Many officials and former Secretaries of Agriculture chat about trade.