Ag News Daily Podcast

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The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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David La Rue of American Farm & Ranch News brings us two interviews today. He was able to sit down with Deputy Secretary Steve Censky and Representative Salud Carbajal to chat about trade and agriculture in California.

Tyler Benninghoven chats today about Colorado wheat and some of the improvements they are making in the industry.

Sarah Nolet of AgThentic chats about her work in the United States and Australia.

Meagan Kaiser discusses what they are doing at the Perry Agricultural Laboratory with their work on carbon sequestration.

Patty Judge and Jeff Link chat with Delaney today about rural issues facing voters for the upcoming election year.

Michael Ott caught up with us to give us an update on Rantizo.

Today's episode has news on the forthcoming Japan-US Trade deal that was discussed by President Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan. And a great discussion with Ted Seifried from Zaner Financial Services who spent last week on the Pro Farmer Crop Tour and he shares his updates and observations from the tour as well.

Sam Goldberg chats with us today about the new film SILO.

Ron Mardesen chats with us today about the hog production and opportunities they provide on Niman Ranch.

Bruce Gaarder takes the mic today to chat with Duane Kristensen about the American Coalition for Ethanol.