Many of you may recognize Joe Vaclavik as a common name when it comes to marketing and trading the grain industry, but Joe is expanding his foot print into the podcasting world. Learn about Joe's new podcast "Grain Markets and Other Stuff" on today's #TechTuesday episode!

Naomi Blohm chats us through the markets and what changes might come with purchases from China and trade.

Getting an update of everything that happened this week in Washington.

Heading to Australia for today's interview. Matthew Evans joins us to discuss his book, "On Eating Meat."

Randy Dickhut, Senior Vice President of Real Estate Operations with Farmers National Company, joins us today to chat about where land prices are headed.

Sean Arians, the founder of GrainCoat LLC, joins us to chat about his company and how it came to be. Thank you the HTS Ag for sponsoring today's episode.

Dan Hussey of Zaner Group joined Mike today to discuss the markets and how they might be effected by the new trade agreements in the near future. Make sure to check out the conference hosted by AgMarket.Net on February 3rd and 4th, here.

Kelsey Kruse joins us today to chat about the Niman Ranch Farm Family's experience in the Rose Bowl Parade with Chipotle.

James Pritchett, the Interim Dean for the College of Agricultural Sciences at Colorado State University, chats with us about consumer demand and creating more sustainable production practices.

Jim McCormick of AgMarkets.Net joins us today to chat about where the markets will be moving this week and upcoming month as we roll into 2020.