Ag News Daily Podcast

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  • Business

The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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Shelby Smith, owner of Gym-N-Eat Crickets, chats about how she diversified her operation with crickets!

Megan Dwyer of Illinois Corn Growers is chatting with Mike about how they are taking on sustainability in Illinois.

Bj Bruman the co-founder of Sentinel discusses what they are working on to develop AI technology.

Renny Tank chats with Mike about Golden Harvest seeds and how he has seen a difference in yield in South Dakota.

Trever Williams chats with us today to discuss his experiences with his podcast, The Farm Traveler, and what consumers are looking for in the agriculture industry.

Chase DeCoite chatted with us about the importance of Beef Quality Assurance Certifications and what consumers might be looking for in beef products.

Mark Reisinger caught up with Delaney to fill us in on Pivot Bio's advancements on nitrogen fixation.

Matt Bennett joins us to chat about where the markets could be headed as we anticipate the February WASDE report.Thank you to AgMarket.Net for sponsoring today's episode!

Jennifer Houston, the president of the National Cattlemen's Association, joins Delaney at NCBA to chat about her time as president and what she is doing for the industry.

Teri Walsh joins Delaney down in San Antonio to chat about the products Kent Feeds is developing to ensure cattle are set up for success.Thank you to Kent Feeds for sponsoring us to be at the National Cattlemen's Association Conference!