Welcome back to a new mini episode on our fall love it or leave it.Today’s podcast is brought to you by DouglasPlantHealth. To unharness your soil’s fertility and maximize yield, consider DouglasPlantHealth."Girl, do it for you." was our ending quote and seems super fitting for so many women out there right now.Kylie has a new website to check out: kylieepperson.comand other big news Whit is nearly sold out of Cultivating Courage tickets, like 2 left, don't wait on those! We cant wait to mingle and meet all of you attending next year!
PART 2: This episode is brought to you by farming-the-web-dot-ca. Create your first listing today and receive a $15 Tim Hortons Gift Card.Hope you enjoyed part 1 of this amazing conversation with our friend and Registered Dietitian, Kennedy Youngren. As women we tend to take care of ourselves last, we are here to encourage you to put your health first. Join us on our health journey to be better for us!Find Kennedy on Instagram at:https://www.instagram.com/the.legendairy.dietitian/?hl=enFollow Kylie and Whit not only on Instagram but on on their sites:INSTAGRAM@farmwifeguru @kylieepperson_https://www.farmwifeguru.com/https://www.kylieepperson.com/
PART 1: This episode is brought to you by farming-the-web-dot-ca. Create your first listing today and receive a $15 Tim Hortons Gift Card.We welcome back our friend and Registered Dietitian, Kennedy Youngren to chat all about womens' health. As women we tend to take care of ourselves last, we are here to encourage you to put your health first.Find Kennedy on Instagram at:https://www.instagram.com/the.legendairy.dietitian/?hl=enTune in and follow along as she encourages women in their health and leads by example to work towards a healthier you!Here is the hormones she would like to see tested on women yearly: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFMHmV2vHw/d26KLFAOY7z84tajefOmjA/view?utm_content=DAFMHmV2vHw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebuttonEverly Well Hormone Tests: https://www.everlywell.com/products/womens-health-test/
We chat today, things we are looking forward to.A lot if to look forward to, sometimes we just have to slow down and really look at what those things are!"Evolution is always about looking forward"
This episode is brought to you by Kubota, together we do more.Hey all! Man it has been a minute friends. Thanks for understanding how busy we have both been. July was a long month for us both.Farm work is still in full force with a lot going on in Kansas and Missouri. But we decided to leave the farm solo and meet up halfway with 6 kids. Are we crazy? Maybe. But the time spent together is priceless.It is HARD to do this. But we feel like doing things like this, gaining some independence and getting off farm leaves us with a full heart opposed to a bitter one for never leaving. We find value in doing things that will better ourselves and challenge us. You can do hard things!!
Set a timer with us and weed whatever has been bothering you or feelin heavy this month. Weed your garden, your laundry or your mindset with us! If you have spare time, mind leaving us a review, be sure to tag us on instagram if you listen! We so appreciate hearing how you like our podcast.
Welcome back! We interview our friend and inspirational lady, Emily Reuschel.She is very well known for #youdoyou82 and her Masterminds leading rural women to their highest potential.We chat good AND bad habits we all have and possibly some new habits we can pick up and move forward with! Find Emily on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raisingreuschel/((She is the Emcee for Cultivating Courage 2023, cannot wait to hang with her then!))She is inspirational, motivation and just flat fun to be around! If you enjoy this episode please leave us a review.
Welcome to a fun new segment, every other week were offering you a ten minute segment of whats been on our hearts. Here to pick you up and let you know you are not alone!

We bring in our friend and counselor, Ashley Machado. A farmer and mental health coach. She knows and sees the ins and outs of the affects of mental health in Agriculture. Listen in as we get deep on one of the biggest topics and break the stigma on just who has mental health....All of us!Find Ashley at https://www.instagram.com/byashleymachado/?hl=enLet us know what you thought by leaving a review!
Welcome to a fun new segment, every other week were offering you a ten minute segment of whats been on our hearts. Here to pick you up and let you know you are not alone! This weeks episode is brought to you by Grasshopper Mowers. With Grasshopper Mowers, nothing gets in the way of #MowDay.