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Beef Tips 5 - Stockmanship/Low Stress while working cows

  • Mar 26, 2021
Over the past couple of years, lots of things have changed around our home operation. One of the biggest things to change is how we handle our cattle when it comes time to work them. By instilling a few different tactics and attitudes, we have made working cattle a more positive, less stressful event at our place.


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Ep. 181 - Aaron Berger - Supplementation Strategy

  • Mar 22, 2021
Aaron Berger, a UNL Beef Educator and host of the BeefWatch Podcast, joined me once again to discuss supplementation strategy. We talk about how to find the best supplements in your region, when to supplement as well as different ways to think about delivering those supplements.


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ASOM - Ep 78 - MOST Policy Initiative Briefing on Farmer Mental Health

  • Mar 21, 2021
Earlier this month, I was asked by MOST Policy Initiative to share my perspective and personal story on rural and ag mental health on a briefing to those involved in policy decisions at the Missouri state level. I shared my perspective on the three big pillars which are inhibiting access to rural mental health care: stigma, lack of mental health care providers, and sub par internet access in rural areas. I also discuss solutions to each of these issues. I want to thank Dr. Rachel Owen and Dr. Eleni Bickell with MOST for allowing me this opportunity to speak to those who make important policy decisions in our state. Also thanks to Dr. Michael Rosemann and Professor Kathy Dothage for sharing this panel with me. As I said in my talk, I am a proud rural Missourian and I want to see our state thrive. To find out more about this panel and MOST policy initiative go to


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Psychic Test

  • Mar 18, 2021
This week Brent and Landon take a psychic test and it goes pretty much as you'd expect.


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Beef Tips Ep 4 - Intentional Relationship With Money

  • Mar 18, 2021
Today's episode is not necessarily related to my farm or cattle operation but my relationship with money. I watched stories from Megan Teerlink this week and she expounded on an experience she had at Costco this week. We are always chasing money just to spend it as fast as it comes to us. What if there was another option. What if we created a new energy around money that we don't have to spend it as soon as we get it. Becoming more intentional with our money will help us create a more abundant mindset around it. Find more at


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Ep. 180 - Wayne Knight - The Practical Impacts of Holistic Management

  • Mar 15, 2021
Wayne Knight, Interim Executive Director for Holistic Management International, joined me to talk about the practical impacts holistic management has had on his land, his family, his community, and his finances. We talk about selecting the right animals and measuring the right outcomes to facilitate better decision making. We also touch on how holistic goal setting facilitate a resolution to a difficult situation.


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ASOM - Ep 77 - Susan Harris - Sleep For Farmers

  • Mar 14, 2021
Susan Harris is an extension educator with the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. She specializes in rural health wellness and safety. Susan was actually guest on episode number four of the podcast where at the end of that episode we talked a little bit about the importance of sleep. Today we take a bit of a deeper dive into sleep and how it is important for us to pay attention to our sleep. Sleep should no longer be seen as a luxury but as a necessity. One edit here that I wanted to make sure to list. Around 5 minutes in to the interview Susan says that sleep is an umbrella that controls a number of health conditions. She spoke to me after we recorded and wanted to correct herself. What she intended to say is that sleep can protect against these negative health consequences. Susan is an incredible woman and I am so thankful for her long time support of the podcast. To find Susan online go to


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ASOM Bonus Episode - Purism - A Live podcast

  • Mar 13, 2021
I often think of things as a purist. I think that if someone is giving me valuable information that I should take it 100 percent to heart. If I don't, then I view myself as a failure. I came to the realization just recently that this frame of thinking just isn't correct. We can take even small pieces of the good information that we hear and apply it to ourlives and view it as a success. If we define success for ourselves then success is inevitable. More at


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What Movie Are We Living In?

  • Mar 13, 2021
Life is stranger than fiction as they say and that couldn't be more true than the current dumpster show our crap fire our globe is in right now. So we try to decipher which movie we are living in.


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Ep. 179 - Dallas Mount - The Grazing Principles

  • Mar 9, 2021
Dallas Mount, CEO of Ranch Management Consultants, joined me to discuss The Grazing Principles as taught at the Ranching for Profit school. We talked about stock density, herd effect, recovery period, and even answered some question from the Working Cows Microbiome.Sponsor:Field Work Talk


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