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ASOM - Ep 76 - Kiah Twisselman - Coach Kiah Returns

  • Mar 7, 2021
Today we welcome back Kiah Twisselman. If you’re following along with the podcast we were introduced to Kiah on episode 38 of ASOM. She shared there her remarkable journey of losing over 100 lbs with no fad diets, no gym membership and no surgery! Just plain ok’d determination and mindset!! She returns today to discuss diet culture and how it often falls flat. We also talk a little bit about goals and mindset around them. It was so great to chat with Kiah again! To find Kiah online check her website out at


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Beef Tips Ep 3 - Be a Lifelong Learner

  • Mar 4, 2021
I had an experience changing out a busted pipe at one of my farms last weekend. I traditionally have not been a very good DIY guy. When something like this happens, I usually hire someone to come out and fix whatever issue I have. But something has changed in me over the last several years. I have found that I owe it to myself to take some responsibility and do the things that may scare me a bit. Being a lifelong learner is about humbling yourself and swallowing your pride. When you make a commitment to being a lifelong learner you are able to accomplish things you had previously written off. In this episode, I talk about the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. Find that book on Amazon here.


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Bigfoot is Real

  • Mar 3, 2021
Bigfoot sightings amuse and astound the 15 people that have seen him. Or her. We really don't know.


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What are you doing on March 23rd?

  • Mar 2, 2021
March 23rd is National Ag Day! On this episode, Jen, Karen, and Kelsey discuss their preparation for National Ag Month and share ideas on how to celebrate! Follow the gals on Twitter -Jennifer Campbell - @plowwifeKaren Corrigan - @weedgirl24Kelsey Litchfield - @klitchfield13


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Ep. 178 - Daniel Griffith - Wild Like Flowers

  • Mar 1, 2021
Daniel Griffith drawing on life in his Wildland the acclaimed author and poet, emergent conservationist, and Savory Institute Hub Leader, Educator, and Consultant provides a poetic portrait of the powers, magic, and rich abundance harvested by learning the language of connection and the restorative powers of Relationship.


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ASOM - Ep 75 - Internal vs External Validation

  • Feb 28, 2021
Greetings and welcome to the Diamond episode of the Ag State of Mind Podcast. Thanks to everyone for an incredible run of episodes. Going Solo today to chat about Internal Vs. External validation. We worry so much about the validation from people outside of ourselves, but do we worry about the opinion we have of ourselves enough? If we aren't happy with ourselves, then no one else's opinions will matter. Special shout out to my coach Marinda Burt for the inspiration behind this message. Go check her out on Instagram at


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Beef Tips Ep 2 - County Fair Steers

  • Feb 25, 2021
It's February so that means it's time for our county fair steer projects to begin. This year is a bit different for us because we have 2 kids showing steers instead of just one. I talk today about what the county fair means to us and a little bit about the process.


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Things We Wish We Didn't Have To Do

  • Feb 24, 2021
There's just some things in life we wish we could do without. And here are those things.


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Ep. 177 - Ken Charfauros - The Importance of Local Meat Processing

  • Feb 22, 2021
Ken Charfauros, a local meat processor and entrepreneur, joined me to discuss his three phase vision for expanding the local meat processing capacity in Western South Dakota. We discussed his desire to see the return of the local butcher and his desire to educate people capable of producing a consistent and quality meat product regardless of species.


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ASOM Ep 74 - Tara Haskins, DNP - Talking To Farmers About Their Pain

  • Feb 21, 2021
Pain is something that nearly everyone has experienced. Being involved in agriculture, often times this pain can be amplified. We are often times taught to hide or mask the pain when we instead should be taking measures to do something about it. Today we welcome back Tara Haskins from Agrisafe. We were introduced to Tara on episode 44 of the podcast. Agrisafe has an upcoming webinar that is focusing on talking to farmers about their pain. We then talk more in depth about pain and specifically about opioids and how they can affect us. You can find the link to that webinar here


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