Ag News Daily Podcast

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  • Business

The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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CEO and Founder of Ranchlands, Duke Phillips, came on the show today to give us more information about the ranch. We talked about their education opportunities, cattle raising and grazing and more.

Samuel Lefebvre, Sales Project Manager for Jyga Technologies, joins us all the way from Canada. Samuel sat in on the show today to discuss the science behind Jyga Technologies and their upcoming event, the Gestal Swin Summit.

Jeremy Miner, a technical agronomist covering South East Iowa, joined up in discussing the impact of the Derecho storm on the Midwest's crop conditions and what to expect moving forward.

Peter Miller, Founder of Farm Immersive, joined us on the podcast as we kicked off the week! Peter tells us about starting his blog, his favorite up and coming technology and more.

Today we are joined by Reed Anderson of Anderson Sheep Co. and Anderson Ranches Oregon Lamb. Tune in as we talk about sheep production, retail lamb, the effects of COVID-19 on his operation, and more!

We spoke to Senator Grassley for this Thursday's episode! In our discussion, we talked about the latest Senate proposed coronavirus relief bill, the ethanol industry and more.

Jonathan Dansel, a farmer from Kansas, joined us to talk about his experience with selling seed, test plots, what he is seeing in the corn fields, and more.

Kyle McMahon of Tractor Zoom returns to the podcast. Kyle joins us to talk about Iron Comps, the latest technology from Tractor Zoom.

Karl Setzer sat down with Delaney to discuss markets on this #MarketMonday episode. They discuss soybeans, Chinese corn purchases, wheat quality, and more.

Megan Clark and Carter Mommsen from the Current Ag Concerns team joined us to talk about their latest project, advocating for the agriculture industry and more! Tune in and check out Current Ag Concerns.