Ag News Daily Podcast

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  • Business

The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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Today we are talking to Ted Seifried about markets. We discuss the elections impact on the dollar, trade expectations, wheat and more!

Chris Gibbs, President of Rural America 2020, joins us this #FriYAY! Chris talks about how he got involved with the organization, what they do and policies impacting rural America.

FSA Administrator Richard Fordyce is back on the podcast! This time we are discussing the differences in CFAP1 versus CFAP2, changes being made to the program and CCC funding.

Case Van der Lei of Red Ass Cattle Company and Five Star Dairy is on today's episode! Case talks about raising red angus cattle, dairy technology, social media and more. Visit their website to get some merch after you listen! Use promo code 'agnewsdaily10' for 10% off your purchase.

Ricky Stephens, Director of Digital Strategy for Agritecture, joins us for #TechTuesday. Tune in as we talk urban agriculture and vertical farming, Agritecture's journey and their services.

Senior Market Advisor at Total Farm Marketing Naomi Blohm is on for today's market discussion. We talk about African Swine Fever in Germany, outside market influence and more.

Matt Jungmann, Farm Progress Show Manager, talks to Delaney today about this week's Farm Progress and Husker Harvest Days. The 2020 Farm Progress show was virtual for the first time. Tune in to see how it went!

Bill Bryant of Bryant Christie Inc. is back! Bill joins us to talk about trade in Vietnam and their free trade agreement with Europe.

Rebecca and Josh Tickell join us to talk about Kiss the Ground. Kiss the Ground is a nine year project based around regenerative agriculture, soil, climate balance and (as Rebeccas says) hope. Visit the website to learn more about the documentary.

Ben Johnson, U.S. Product Marketing Manager for Farmers Edge, sits in to talk tech with us. Ben tells us about Farmers Edge, their solutions and more.