Ag News Daily Podcast

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  • Business

The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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Tanner and Delaney are in Orlando for the rest of this week to cover Commodity Classic. Get caught up on that, along with a discussion Delaney had with Kellie Livernois on Bushel Farm.

Tanner is down in Florida for the beginning of Commodity Classic and gives us an update on the WASADE Report. Delaney met with Kam Quarles, the CEO of the National Potato Council, to discuss what these producers have been up to, how they contribute to our supply chain economy, and things they would like to see in the upcoming Farm Bill.

On the Ag News Daily podcast today, we have Smartwyre joining. Listen to learn about data health and the great opportunities Smartwyre has for producers of many industries!

Matthew Bennett discusses markets and the upcoming WASADE Report, along with some information on Commodity Classic. Be sure to catch Matthew, Delaney, and Tanner all at Commodity Classic this week!

Alacyn Cox speaks today about her involvement in FFA and her National FFA Alumni and Supporters Committee membership. Listen to learn about the amazing ways that she has been able to stay active in the organization and how you can, too, as an alum!

Todd Feenstra, President of Tritium Cooperated and Director of Midwest Water Stewards, joins today to discuss all things water. Take a listen to learn about water technologies, water recommendations for current water crises, and more.

With the National Corn Growers Association naming their new CEO, Neil Caskey joined us today to discuss what he is looking forward to accomplishing in his new position.

For this week's #TechTuesday, we are wrapping up audio that Tanner brought us back from the National Farm Machinery Show with Horsch!

Join Tanner for a quick episode and an update on the markets post-close on today's episode of #MarketMonday!

Tanner went to the National Farm Machinery Show last week and brought us back some great interviews! Listen today to learn about Geringhoff!