Ag News Daily Podcast

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  • Business

The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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We head to California to learn more about the Innovation Center the Western Growers Association has built to help solve food security issues. We also report on the WASDE report.

We talk with Quentin Rund with the InfoAg Conference to get a report on what to expect at this years conference and the Ag News Daily team releases a big announcement about where the podcast is headed for the future! Give it a listen to find out more!

Today's podcast we talk to Steven Brockshus with Farmland Finder to learn more about their platform on making data related to farm, timber, and prairie land accessible to everyone to help make informed decisions when purchasing or selling land.

Brian Splitt analyzes the market for us for this #MarketMonday. Mike, Delaney, and Hannah also talk about how ice cream was first made.

We touch base with Monte James as he makes his way back from his trip to China. We also discuss the latest Tariff Talk with it being the day the tariffs are imposed!

It's the day after the 4th of July celebration and we are back at it bringing you the latest agriculture news. Today we have an interview with Kyle Wasson and we learn more about what Montana agriculture is all about.

Learn how this west coast company is combating labor shortages through an app! Ganaz is the leading world in supplying employers with a reliable work force through technology!

We head south to our friend Ashley Arrington in Georgia where we get the #MarketMonday talk from the cotton and peanut industry perspective.

News is all over the board. The Senate passed their version of the Farm Bill and will begin to work next week with the House. We have an update report from our friends at Zaner and an interview with Kevin Ross the new VP at the National Corn Growers Association.

Hannah recaps her experience at the I am FarmHer Conference. We have an interview from a Chinese citizen, and an interview from Julie Anna Potts with the American Farm Bureau Federation on trade and policy.