Live from the Farm Progress 2018 show today getting a little rain! Ag News Daily is powered today by sponsor Camso- tune in to find out how tracks are becoming the new trend in the equipment industry!

Lots of headlines today! The two big ones, at least for agriculture, are a) agreement on a deal between the U.S. and Mexico on the sticking points that were slowing down NAFTA talks, and b) USDA released the details of the $12 billion farmer aid package. We'll cover both plus a few other stories on the radar.Then, we're joined by friend of the podcast and noted market analyst Darin Newsom, and we take a look at what technical signals are being sent by these markets. (Hint: it might not be great). So tune in now and subscribe on your favorite source for podcasts!

Lots of news today about how there isn't any news! Strange day. No news on NAFTA, discussions ongoing over the weekend; no news on the $12 Billion 'bailout' plan; and no new news from the Fed, rates will continue to climb slowly.But, we did get some news out of Mexico earlier this summer about a very unique variety of corn that appears to be able to be its own source of nitrogen! We'll talk with one of the researchers looking in to this variety about how it works, and what it might mean for the future of grain production!Be sure to subscribe on your favorite podcast source, or bookmark the website and stream daily from there!

Well, trade continues to grab a bunch of headlines. Today, it's more chatter on NAFTA being 'close' to finished with Mexico; Canada requesting to sign off on any US/Mexico agreements, and the $16 Billion dollars of tariffs and countertariffs went in to place between the US and China.We also had the chance to catch up with Ted Seifried who has been traveling along the Western Leg of the Pro Farmer Midwest Crop Tour, and he fills us in on what he's noticed in the field.

Clay Conry, host of the Working Cows Podcast, shares about his experience in the podcasting world, as well as the world of Ranching. Clay is teaming up with the folks at Global Ag Network to become part of the podcasting community so be sure to tune in!

Happy Tuesday, everybody! S & P hit a record high today, but that didn't do much for the grains. Delaney and Mike talk through today's ag news and happenings, from South Africa to the USDA Farm Bailout, and then we get right to our #TechTuesday interview.This week, we're talking to Sadoc Paredes, who, along with his brothers, founded the company AgHelp that is developing ways for farm workers and employers to connect with one another and 3rd party support organizations over the web. Their app will be launching soon, and if you are having a hard time finding qualified help, be sure to tune in today!

Daniels Ag analyst Craig Turner breaks down the market moves on today's #MarketMonday podcast, and shares some very specific insight into the hog markets. Today's news is dominated by trade, WOTUS, and economic hardship in other countries.

Today is our intern Hannah Pagel's last day on the podcast and we have a great interview letting us know more about an upcoming conference in Wisconsin called, AgTech Venture Day!

Today the gang is all together to update you on the latest agriculture news. We also are talking geopolitics with Peter Zeihan! Tune in to learn more information.

Today we go in the room with EPA administrator, Andrew Wheeler, at the Iowa State Fair and hear from him on his thoughts of the RFS.