Well, more rain is coming down across the corn belt, the soybean market fell out of bed, but US Beef is headed back to Japan without restriction! Mixed bag in the world of ag news today.Field Reporter Bruce Gaarder has today's interview for us with Dr. John Newton, Chief Economist with the American Farm Bureau Federation and they talk trade and what's ahead for our industry. Have a great weekend, everybody!
It's a short episode today! Mike and Delaney are both on the road, but as NAFB's Washington Watch continues, we were able to get audio from a conversation the broadcasters had with Ted McKinney, Undersecretary for Trade at USDA - the first role of it's kind at USDA.
Today's episode is coming in late and hot! Richard Fordyce from the FSA has an update in store from the farm bill implementation progress!

Mike talks through lots of different kinds news, and then is joined but the founder and CEO of Tillable, Corbett Kull.

Angie Setzer chats markets with Mike.

Today, we are joined by Hank McWhorter from sunny Amarillo, Texas to chat about his unique feed yard, Mc6 Feeders.

The economy has seen a boost in the past few months. Dr. James Mintert, professor of agricultural economics and director for the Center for Commercial Agriculture at Purdue University.

Mike and Delaney were not able to make it down to Kansas City for the Animal Ag Alliance Conference but they were able to sit down with the Vice President of Communications, Hannah Thompson Weeman.

The markets seem to be back to normal today after yesterday's low. Dr. Jim Smith from Kent Nutrition Group chats with Mike and Delaney about the new product NutriVantange Nutrition optimizer.

Happy #MarketMonday! There is not a lot of great news going on in the world of agriculture today but Naomi Blohm sits down with Mike and Delaney to talk markets.