Ag News Daily Podcast

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  • Business

The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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Happy Earth Day! Brian Philpot, the CEO go AgAmerica Lending, joins us to discuss how they help producers make financial decisions for the short run and long run on their operations.

David Chan, the COO and founding team member of FarmTogether, joins us to discuss how they can help you invest in highly quality farmland.

Matt Bennett of AgMarket.Net joins us today to discuss planting season, markets, and an all time low for oil.

Tune in to meet Asthyn Carr, our new summer intern!

Archie Griffin discusses his involvement in Nuffield International and how he was able to benefit as a Nuffield Scholar.

This week, we are joined by an incredible guest with some awesome insights into current consumer buying behavior. Janette Barnard has a deep background in the animal protein and agriculture supply chain arenas. We discuss why consumers are opting for more traditional protein sources, and leaving plant-based alternatives on the shelves. Janette takes us down a path of talking about how the agriculture supply chain is inflexible, but why that isn’t necessarily a bad thing (at least in non-pandemic times), how the alternative protein business may actually be more adapted to scaling up and down quickly, and what all these sudden changes mean for the face of our industry as we know it. She gets us really excited about the possibilities coming wide open for direct to consumer marketing, and shares insights of what this kind of sudden onslaught of innovation could mean for agricultural producers. This is one episode you don’t want to miss - fast paced and fun, Janette Barnard hits this week’s topic out of the park.

Bette Brand, the Deputy Undersecretary for USDA Rural Development, joins us today to discuss how they are helping rural Americans during this stressful time.

Aidan Connolly, the CEO of Cainthus, discusses how they are using artificial intelligence to help improve the wellbeing of dairy cattle.

Elaine Kub joins us today to chat markets and how things might be effected once the COVID-19 quarantine is over.Thank you to the folks at AgMarket.Net for sponsoring today's episode.

Geoff Cooper, the President and the CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, discusses how ethanol has been effected as there are less drivers on the road.