We're baaaaaaaaack!! - Is the concept of Uber coming to Ag?

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Aaaaand we're back! We start hot out of the gate for our first episode in the third season of Millennial Ag. We welcome back guest Damian Mason, who introduces us to the concept of the "Uberization of Ag". Does it still make sense in this era of production agriculture to own capital that only works two weeks out of the year like combines and sprayers? What are the risks and benefits of this type of strategy? Will it help more young people enter into the industry? Does it make sense in the production livestock sector? Tune in, listen in, and settle in for this fascinating conversation with an always dynamic guest. As always, let us know what you think! Like us, review us, share us and watch for more great content coming your way this fall.

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Love, Katharine and Val

Episode 129 - The Uberization of Ag with Damian Mason