Today, Executive Director of the Beef Improvement Federation, Dr. Bob (Robert) Weaber talks with Lorrie Boyer about how the BIF got its start and what they do to assist cattle organizations with genetic evaluation research and guidelines. In this podcast, he talks about the relationship with extension and the information delivery changes the federation has made using new tools and technology.According to their website, Founded on February 1, 1968, the Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) is an organization dedicated to advancing and coordinating all segments of the beef industry. The BIF seeks to connect science and industry to improve beef cattle genetics.
The “Heart of the Fam” program was created by Jenny Vanderlin, Associate Director, Center for Profitability at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Its mission is to assist women with farm management and education and help women to improve their decision-making process. The Goal, according to is to hold conferences (online and in-person) and provide women education on pertinent topics, connect them with agriculture resources and create support networks.Vanderlin highlights the mission and goals and talks about how the program idea got started in this fun and educational conversation, with Ag Queen Podcast Host, Lorrie Boyer.
In this interview with U.S. Wheat Associates, we get a recap of some of the work that has been going on in other countries including China, Mexico, and Brazil. 1. Brazil: growing opportunity, so USW/Santiago ramped up work there, holding trade service meetings to help buyers understand how to use the system to get the best value and technical help for millers plus translated materials in Portuguese for the first time. 2. China: to make sure the large volume of HRW purchased by COFCO gets into the hands of private millers and bakers, USW/Beijing sampled the imported HRW, milled, baked, and evaluated function, and shared that information with the gov’t, millers, and bakers…separate seminar for millers. 3. Mexico: largest HRW market, but not taking it for granted…did two studies in 2020 on rail transportation and on consumer trends. Identified policy issues between the US and Mexican government and poor communications as a constraint, so focusing on those issues now…consumer trend study showed potential for a big increase in flour consumption, mainly for bread…that will help USW/Mexico City focus on segments where growth is happening.
Today, learn more about the Internation Dairy Food Association in this podcast with host, Lorrie Boyer. IDFA links all segments of the industry together and according to their website "delivering data, insights, research and analysis that helps the dairy industry and professionals operate more efficiently and effectively, giving them the tools and resources they need to grow their businesses."
Learn about new supply chain technology from AgriDigital and how it is helping agriculture operations keep data in a streamlined and efficient way.
Learn more about this Nebraska-based organization works with and on behalf of rural people to help them with policy, loans and finances, education and advocacy. The serve rural citizens across the country.
In today's episode learn about a brand new technology developed at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln on weather data tracking for farmers and other stakeholders across the country.
Keeping farmers safe and out of the bin with this new robot.