The Ag Queen Podcast

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  • Business

In the Ag Queen Podcast, you will hear from the movers and shakers that are shaping the agriculture industry.

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In today's show, I visit with Chemical Engineer and fourth-year candidate at the University of California, Davis, Kevin Yates. He talks about his research and development of lettuce that contains protein that will help to reduce bone loss in astronauts. Tune in to find out more about this cutting edge research and food technology.

The National Grain and Feed Association, founded in 1896, is a broad-based, non-profit trade association that represents and provides services for grain, feed and related commercial businesses. Its activities focus on enhancing the growth and economic performance of U.S. agriculture.

Land IQ specializes in providing solutions to challenging agricultural and environmental problems throughout the world. Their areas of expertise include soil science, water quality and demand evaluation and management, agricultural systems, salinity and nutrient management, ecosystem restoration, statistics, remote sensing, geospatial analysis, land stabilization and regulatory policy. Today, Lorrie Boyer visits with their CEO, Joel Kimmelshue.

The Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America is a not-for-profit, 501c (3) organization established to pursue national strategies to create a less-hazardous work environment and establish an industry-wide culture of safety for American agriculture. Founded in 2007, our mission is to proactively address ongoing and emerging occupational safety and health issues affecting everyone engaged in all facets of U.S. agriculture.ASHCA is a coalition of farms, ranches, producer associations, and other related agricultural people, organizations, and businesses; joining together with safety associations, Federal & State agencies, educational institutions, and safety professionals, all seeking to improve the health and safety of all agricultural workers.

AgGateway is a global, non-profit organization whose members develop standards and other resources so that companies can rapidly access information.

Today learn more about the development and benefits of solar grazing.

In today's show, learn how Dairy Management, Inc. manages three of the nations's dairy organizations as it works towards increasing sales and demand for dairy through research, education and innovation.

Cari Rinker of Rinker Law visits with Lorrie about her journey into becoming a lawyer specializing in contract and succession planning in the agriculture space. She talks about her background in agriculture, how she balances her busy practice and kids and her future goals.Cari Rinker, Rinker Law, PLLC

Did you know that California as a state produces 90% of the United States' strawberries? Learn more about the strawberry production industry in today's Ag Queen Podcast with Chris Christian, Senior Vice President of the California Strawberry Commission.

In today's show, American Sheep Industry Association President, Susan Shultz talks about current markets issues, trends and initiatives that they are working on as an industry.