Ag Queen Podcast | Episode 6 | U.S. Wheat Associates

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In this interview with U.S. Wheat Associates, we get a recap of some of the work that has been going on in other countries including China, Mexico, and Brazil.

1. Brazil: growing opportunity, so USW/Santiago ramped up work there, holding trade service meetings to help buyers understand how to use the system to get the best value and technical help for millers plus translated materials in Portuguese for the first time.

2. China: to make sure the large volume of HRW purchased by COFCO gets into the hands of private millers and bakers, USW/Beijing sampled the imported HRW, milled, baked, and evaluated function, and shared that information with the gov’t, millers, and bakers…separate seminar for millers.

3. Mexico: largest HRW market, but not taking it for granted…did two studies in 2020 on rail transportation and on consumer trends. Identified policy issues between the US and Mexican government and poor communications as a constraint, so focusing on those issues now…consumer trend study showed potential for a big increase in flour consumption, mainly for bread…that will help USW/Mexico City focus on segments where growth is happening.

Ag Queen Podcast | Episode 6 | U.S. Wheat Associates