Midwest Farm Wives

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  • Society & Culture

Grab your beverage of choice and hang out with Whitney and Kylie, your farm wife besties, on their weekly podcast where they chat about midwest farm life, motherhood, rural living, plus so much more.

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Here we are entering the time when we do it all alone while our husbands are in the field. But hey we were made for this right? This social distancing farm life? Well we seem to think so. And we also truly believe approaching each season and time in life with gratitude and extra optimism is how we cope. Do we still have bad days or not so okay times? Of course we are human, but we don't un pack and live there for long. We feel those feelings accept it wasn't a good day and realize that its still a good life. Fail forward and keep finding the light in all the dark friends. #stillfarming

Welcome back friends! This episode we talk about how farmers feel the farm defines them. We want every farmer to understand that they are more than the farm. They are important, loved and so appreciated! We welcome a special guest Kate from Uptown Farm who wrote the blog, Farmer you're not the farm. As always stay grateful friends!

Hey guys, I'm sure like the rest of you we have had so many highs and lows mentally in the last two weeks and we just wanted to chat some ways we have coped. Staying positive in such an unknown time is really hard but very necessary for your mental health to stay at its best! We are praying for each of your families health and well being during the duration of 2020.

Welcome back! In this episode we are discussing filling our bucket in ways that serve us. We chat some on corona virus and life in general. In lieu of the economy and everything back firing and showing a ding from corona virus its hard to keep a positive mindset but we are here to assure you aren't alone in those feelings! The sun will shine again tomorrow and you get a new fresh slate to try again. Count your blessings and fail forward!

Welcome back! This episode we chat on how we advocate for agriculture to bridge gaps between producer and consumers. The funny thing people seem to overlook is that we as producers are also consumers. We mothers shop and have the options to choose in the grocery store as consumers as well. We share our story to try and bridge these gaps, bust some myths and bring light to how amazing we feel Agriculture is! We also interview Brandi Buzzed on advocacy and fear based marketing as well.You can find her here- https://www.facebook.com/BuzzardsBeat/ or Instagram @brandibuzzard We feel she is a great advocate for the beef industry and are humbled she took time to be on today! "Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man" George Washington

This episode definitely goes out to all our Working/ Stay at home Momma friends and listeners this week. As Kylie and Whitney struggle in their own day to day guilt as moms, wives and home makers we decided to chat it out and let you know its OK to not always feel OK. What you are doing in your current season is enough, do what you can with what you got and keep failing forward! Remember to always stay grateful even when times are hard. Even the smallest gratitude can make up for a pretty crummy day.

This episode we chat the Missouri trip. The tour of the farm, hogs and much more. We also hit on some topics trending right now; the super bowl performance and the state of union. While our farms are so very alike we found out our differences as well. It was nice to be able to chat farm life, social life and parenthood free of any shame or judgement. Wish the world was filled with much less judgement and a lot more happiness and acceptance of others differences. "Lighting another candle off your own candle does not take away any of your own flame." We challenge you today and this week to even if you disagree with someones operation, beliefs or the way they do something to accept it is their decision to make and maybe offer a compliment in another area of their life!

Listen to us chat life in the off season for farming. Wait, there isn't much of an off season is there. Between book work, the next seasons prep of seed ,chemical choices etc, meetings and livestock. We don't take much of a break while preparing for the next season ahead. We do however get to see our husbands more since it gets dark earlier and that makes out Mom hearts happy. But back to the grind in no less than 45 days! We interview a special guest Mary Pat also known as the millenialfarmwife on Instagram. We are also combining forces and trying to build the Midwest Farm Wives community through social media together. You can now find a page for Midwest Farm Wives on both instagram and facebook, be sure to check it out!

Hey friends and welcome back to our 2020 season of podcasting. This episode we are going to discuss living with an abundant mindset vs a scarce mindset. We think this applies to life in general and we compare to our farm lives. In a nutshell someone with an abundant mindset is an optimist and is genuinely happy for others when they are successful. Those with a scarcity mindset are competitive, jealous and resent others success. "The secret to having it all is believing you already do."

As most of you know we began this journey without ever meeting in person. Building a relationship via Instagram and daily texts. Well we finally got to meet up in Nashville last week. To say we hit it of and had a blast would be an understatement. Love at first sight? Haha maybe for best friends. Our husbands equally enjoyed one another and all the farm talk, which made it bitter sweet! We want to say happy holidays and new year to all of our listeners, and as always thank you so much for your support!