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Executive Orders For Life

  • Jan 27, 2021
If we had our way, you would no longer be able to make big orders in the drive thru. This ain't Thanksgiving. Just one of our "Executive Orders".


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Ep. 173 - Miranda Conry - Conrys Chewing the Cud

  • Jan 27, 2021
My wife, Miranda Conry, and I sat down each night during Ranching for Profit and captured our thoughts about the day, what surprised us, what we learned, and how people in the class influenced us. This episode closes out with some reactions from our fellow class members.


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ASOM - Ep 70 - Leah McGrath

  • Jan 24, 2021
Leah McGrath is a Registered Dietician currently employed in retail (supermarket) dietetics. We chat today about her journey and the interesting role she plays as a supermarket dietitian. This is something I didn’t really know existed until Leah and I chatted on the podcast. We then shift to talk about the important role advocacy plays in connecting producers and consumers. About how the disruption of the supply chain helped us see how important it is to understand where the products we use originate and what steps they have to take to get into our homes. We finish by chatting about meat and the role it plays in a healthy diet. How the pandemic has shown us how important it is to families.


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Pardon Me?

  • Jan 21, 2021
President Trump handed out pardons this week as he left office, so the natural thing to do was for Brent and Landon to hand out their own "pardons".


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Tom Tenseth Hunts Stuff

  • Jan 18, 2021
Brent talks with Tom Tenseth. A hunter, truck hustler, Dairy Queen aficionado, and biker hooligan.


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ASOM- Ep 69 - Nicole Rodriguez, RD - Enjoy Food, Enjoy Life

  • Jan 17, 2021
Hello and Welcome to this episode fo Ag State of Mind a proud member of the Global Ag network. Today we are continuing our series on diet and nutrition with my friend Nicole Rodriguez. I'll start off and let everyone know that the episode ends rather abruptly. We had some issues with my rural internet connection that wreaked havoc for us. We had to restart our connection once but then it finally shut off for good toward the end. The joys of podcasting with rural internet. Nicole is a registered dietician from Long Island who is an incredible advocate for the beef industry. We talk about a lot of things but we really focus on advocacy in the beef industry and how we as producers have an important story to tell to help connect consumers with their food. We also talk about relationship with food. How there are no real “good” or “bad” foods and, simply, how we should actually eat real food and stay away from liquid diets and other things of similar nature. Nicole and I originally connected on Twitter but she has become one of my favorite follows on Instagram. To find out about Nicole, her blog, and her social media, go to


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Ep. 172 - Miranda Conry - RFP Pre-Show

  • Jan 16, 2021
Miranda Conry my Beautiful, Wife, Mother, and Friend joined me to talk about the challenges, mentally, emotionally, and logistically of leaving town to go to Ranching for Profit. We talked about what we are looking forward to what we are hoping to learn and what we are dreading about the process of leaving land, animals, and people behind for a week.


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Ep. 171 - Peter Ballerstedt - Liebig's Barrel

  • Jan 12, 2021
Peter Ballerstedt, a forage ambassador and grass based health advocate, joined me to discuss Liebigs Barrel. This is the idea that no matter how good the system is it will never be any better than the shortest stave in our barrel. We talk about common short staves as well as what we can add to our resources to improve those limiting factors.


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Hello, 2021!

  • Jan 11, 2021
2021 is officially here and it's still feeling like 2020. Karen and Kelsey talk about the "v" word while Jen is on vacation on the beach!


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ASOM - Ep 68 - Whitney Larson - Cultivating Courage

  • Jan 10, 2021
We are going to pause our month on nutrition today to chat with my friend Whitney Larson. Whitney is a farmer from Western Kansas who is an incredible advocate for farmers and in particular farmers wives everywhere. If you have been a long time listener of the podcast, you’ll recall we talked to Kylie Epperson last April who is Whitney’s cohost of the Midwest Farm Wives podcast. So today is Whitney’s turn. This is a perfect opportunity to plug an event that is coming up which was created by whitney. On February 20, 2021 there will be an online event for women in ag that is titled Cultivating Courage. There are a wide variety of speakers on a number of different topics ranging from ag literacy to field meals. I am very honored to be the only man speaking at this event and sharing my keynote on mental health and how it affects us in ag. To register for this event go to


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