Part 2 with Mike DeSa

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Back for Part 2 of our chat with Michael DeSa of the Vets in Ag Podcast. I want to begin with an apology for the abrupt ending of last week's episode. Breaking one interview into multiple episodes is a new thing for me and editing is a learning curve. I should've ended with some explanation. I appreciate the continued support of this podcast and appreciate the grace given as I continue to learn how to best produce a podcast. We conclude our conversation with Michael by him talking to me about my podcast. How it started and how it has been a form of therapy for me. We then talk about how agriculture is a form of therapy to those who return from service. Please go follow and subscribe to Mike's podcast. Look for him and I to continue to work together on projects. Find Mike and his company at

ASOM - Ep 98 - Michael DeSa - Vets in Ag Podcast (Part 2)