Hard to believe that another Friday is already here! It's a bit of a slow news day, but things are still happening with African Swine Fever, the Chinese soybean crop, and in D.C.Plus, we had the chance to sit with Edgard Ramirez, an Argentinian corn and soybean grower to talk about last season's weather, the trade war, and the work he has done with helping African farmers utilize no-till cropping systems. Tune in now!
It's World Food Prize week in Des Moines, which means farmers, agribusiness folks, journalists, and communicators are congregated at the Marriott hotel in Downtown Des Moines, so Mike and Delaney went down to catch up with the folks from the Global Farmer Network. Again, some tremendous growers from many different countries were on hand to discuss agriculture in their home countries and the challenges and opportunities they have in front of them. For today's episode, we spoke with Gina Gutierrez, who is the fifth generation on her family's dairy farm north of Mexico City. She was also the recipient of this year's Kleckner Award for her work in advocating on behalf of agriculture.
Hurricane Michael & Florence hit Southern Agriculture hard; Ashley Arrington discusses the impacts she has seen from a "boots on the ground" perspective. Mike and Delaney also discusses Brazil's latest scandal, trade negotiations between the US and fellow trading partners, and the newest African Swine Fever outbreak.
Mike and Delaney are enjoying the crisp fall day by of course bringing you the latest ag news! Today's headlines include Farm Bill dialogue, the latest on the E15 announcement, Hurricane impacts on agriculture, and new trade deals from developing country. Plus a great #TechTuesday interview with Georgia Francis King, Ideas Editor for Quartz, sharing about their latest installation of "The Future of Food" which largely focuses on technology!
Delaney is on a 'work-cation' down in Lexington, KY and she rounded up a few interviews for today's #MarketMonday discussion. One was with podcast sponsor Barber & Sons Cattle Co where she spoke with owner Larry Barber about the state of the cattle industry and what he sees everyday. She also caught up with Jim Akers from Bluegrass Stockyards and they spoke about industry from the perspective of a stockyards/sale barn owner. Very good discussions!With Delaney gone, Mike was in charge of the news roundup for the day, and there are a few stories, Egypt looks to modernize it's wheat buying scheme and retail sales may have inadvertently helped push soybean prices higher today!
We've got a big Friday episode that we're using to have a little fun and clear up some misconceptions. First of all, new news in the glyphosate cancer trial in California was announced; second, a meeting between President Xi and President Trump; and third, African Swine Fever outbreak again in China.With China's tariffs still shaping the soybean market, we wanted to make sure that our facts were right when it comes to importing and exporting soy and other grains. To do that, we got on the phone with Dr. Frayne Olson, the NDSU Extension Marketing expert who works a lot with grain coming and going from Canada. Be sure to listen in over the weekend!
USDA dropped an updated WASDE report on the markets today, finally with them giving growers a slightly less bearish number than analysts were anticipating, and there was a little bounce in both the corn and bean markets. Plus, heavy weather is impacting much of the US, with Hurricane Michael hitting the southeast and snow falling on parts of North and South Dakota. Also, we shine a light on soybean cyst nematodes, one of the most devastating crop pests in the US. Mike and Delaney spoke with Greg Tylka from Iowa State University and Kaitlyn Bissonnette from University of Missouri about the threat and what growers need to be thinking about as they get ready to make seed buying decisions for 2019.
Well, our ears are still ringing from last night's rally with President Trump in support of his declaration that E15 will be able to be sold year round. The crowd was very fired up, and, though the rally was certainly more of a campaign rally to aid Republican candidates in Iowa and Nebraska, the President did make a few comments that relate to agriculture, so we'll play those today.Plus, next week begins the annual World Food Prize event and along with that comes the Global Farmer Network Roundtable, an event Delaney and Mike were excited to participate in last year. This year, we'll also connect with growers from around the world next week, but today, founder Mary Boote tells the story of how this program came to be.
This Tuesday was a big day for the western side of Iowa, as President Trump brought his campaign-style rally to Council Bluffs to celebrate the announcement of E15 sales around the year, rather than restricting sales during the summer months because of an outdated RVP issue.Mike and Delaney went to Council Bluffs to cover the rally, and will be bringing clips from that event tomorrow, in the meantime, they stopped by Growth Energy's E15 bus and chatted with Ray Gaesser and Curt Mether about what E15 sales year round might mean for them as Iowa corn growers, and we got their thoughts on the ongoing trade disputes around the world.
Happy #MarketMonday! Delaney brings us up to date on a swine disease outbreak in Brazil, plus Soybean processors in Brazil are beginning to run in negative territory, China pumps more money into the economy, and wet weather continues across the corn belt. Plus a look at where the markets are heading with Zaner Group's Chief Market Agricultural Strategist Ted Seifried!