Today's interview was cutting wheat but luckily Bob Cervera and Dr. Dean Pringle chat about efficiency in raising cattle.

Darin Newsom sits down to chat with us about these upcoming reports and how the markets might be effected.

Whitney Larson joins us today to chat with us about her family's operation in Kansas and how she started her social media presence.

Michael Nepveux, an economist for American Farm Bureau Federation, chats with us about the new Dairy Margin Coverage. Check out his article, here.

Delaney and Madison talk through some weird and interesting news they found today. Then, Bruce Gaarder chats with Dr. Sam Funk, the new director of research for Iowa Farm Bureau, about the recent AG Summit.

Aaron Kuhls, CEO and Co-Founder of AL-INS Enterprises, chats about their products to kelp the dairy industry.

Ted sits down with Mike in his brand spanking new office in Chicago to talk markets.

Mike traveled up to Ames last week to speak with Angela Baysinger from Merck to talk animal welfare.

Dr. Brent Meyer of Merck chats with Mike about taking care of cattle in the heat and what to look for.

Everything in agriculture is improving from production ag to how products are put on store shelves. Gary Thompson sits down with us today to chat about GUSS Ag and how they are improving production in orchards and vineyards in California. Check out their website, here.