Ideas in the swine industry worth sharing. Join extension specialists and swine industry experts as they engage in conversations aimed to help producers succeed in raising healthy pigs. PigX is a national podcast hosted by the Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University.

This month on the PigX Podcast, we explore the research and insights from two producers on the advantages of maintaining clean market hauling equipment, including the financial considerations. Beyond the overall benefits to swine health, we discuss best practices implemented by these companies and the country of Denmark, strategies for introducing the proposition and methods for measuring the return on investment, in addition to much more. Joining us in today’s episode are Dr. Edison Magalhaes, assistant professor at Iowa State University, Dr. Pete Thomas, director of health services at Iowa Select Farms and Dr. Tyler Bauman, herd veterinarian with The Maschhoffs.

In this month’s PigX episode, we look into research to identify the health status of pigs - especially for PRRS – utilizing key performance indicators. Researchers have developed a formula to help detect diseases earlier, offering a tool that facilitates faster and potentially more cost-effective data analysis compared to investing in additional farm technologies. Joining us from Iowa State University are Drs. Gustavo Silva, an assistant professor in Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, and Mafalda Mil-Homens, a PhD student and veterinarian. They share insights from their global experiences and how these have influenced their work in the Midwest swine industry.

This month on the PigX Podcast, we dive into key considerations for adopting technology in managing livestock. From research insights to practical applications, we explore how technology can enhance farm operations. Our guest, Dr. Isabella Condotta, an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, shares her expertise on the intersection of technology and livestock management. While many farms have begun integrating these tools, others are still weighing their options. Tune in to this episode for insights to help you make informed decisions about implementing and maintaining technology on your farm with the resources you have.

In this episode of the PigX Podcast, we hear the specifics of POP and discuss actionable ways breeders and producers can take to mitigate the condition. The conversation dives into how nutrition, management and other contributing factors can play part of the solution in addition to research contributions. Joining us are Dr. Jenelle Dunkelberger, a geneticist with Topigs Norsvin, and Dr. Jack Dekkers, a distinguished professor of animal breeding and genetics at Iowa State University. Additionally, we highlight research contributions from Ph.D. student Vishesh Bhatia, shedding light on the latest developments in understanding and preventing POP. Tune in to this informative discussion, marking it the final episode of 2024!

NBAF, located in Manhattan, Kansas, succeeds the Plum Island Animal Disease Center in New York, which has been a cornerstone in protecting American agriculture. In this episode, we explore how the facility is set to enhance the nation’s biosecurity and unique additions to make a positive impact on the swine industry. We’ll hear from key stakeholders who played a role in bringing NBAF to the Midwest, including Dr. Chad Mire, research leader for foreign arthropod-borne animal disease research unit with the Agricultural Research Service, and Dr. Robin Holland, the director of the foreign animal disease diagnostic laboratory with the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service within the USDA.

The U.S. is on track for its second-highest pork production ever and has recently become the largest exporter of pork. There's growing optimism for American pork producers, and Jessica Spreitzer, Director of Trade Analysis at the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), explains the reasons behind this continued growth. Currently, a record 31% of U.S. pork and variety production is being exported. Spreitzer will also discuss rising imports across global markets, emerging opportunities, an update about China’s pork production and the outlook for consumer demand both domestically and internationally.

The Veterinary Diagnostic Lab at Iowa State University focuses on answering important "how" and "why" questions for veterinarians, producers, and swine industry professionals. In this episode, Dr. Marcelo Almeida, an assistant professor with a PhD, Master's, and DVM in swine health, shares his expertise. He will discuss recent trends in swine health diagnostics, the diseases his team is currently studying and the future direction of their research. Dr. Almeida will also explain how he hopes veterinarians and producers can use this information to improve swine health practices.

It takes up to two years for employees from outside of the country to receive their green card, but the upcoming election may have an impact on the timeline and opportunities for foreign labor. Agriculture, including many swine organizations and companies, rely on help beyond the United States borders. Rachel Beardsley, partner and immigration attorney at Fragomen provides the potential effects on visas from November's presidential election, what she’s recommending to clients currently and the variety of visas available.

Completing our two-part mini-series, we are welcoming back Dr. Jordan Gebhardt of Kansas State University and Ph.D. student Larissa Becker to explore the topic of phosphorus and calcium requirements for gestating and lactating sows. In this episode, we will dive into Larissa's literature review, along with the key takeaways she discovered in the process!

In this two-part mini-series, we will investigate both swine bone mineralization and calcium and phosphorus requirements for gestating and lactating sows. Focusing on the prior for this episode, we will be highlighting research conducted by Dr. Jordan Gebhardt of Kansas State University. Ph.D. student Larissa Becker will then begin to give us insight into the research she is conducting.