South American Currencies, China, Proteins, and the World Grain Market.

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MIP Market with Chip Nellinger 5-22-20

1-309-550-7213 @bluereefAG

South American Currencies, China, Proteins, and the World Grain Market.

Presented by Dawson Tire & Wheel and Tractor Zoom

Dryshod Footwear the Work of MIP!

Music By: The Talbott Brothers

Global Ag Network @casey9673 Brent Carlson Aaron Fintel #AgEquipmentBusinessTalk

#dryshodfootwear #agequipmentbusinesstalk #agmarkets #combine #combinetires #corn #dawsontire #dryshodfootwear #idlechatterpodcas #tirsiweardryshodfootwear #oil #plant20soybeans #taxday #till20 #tractor #tractortires #tractorzoom #worldeconomy

MIP Market with Chip Nellinger 5-22-20