We welcome back Kylie with big virtual arms. She is back from vacation and ready to talk all things hard in the mom-ing department. Seasons and circumstances change in life as Moms and it also brings new hard situations to face. Crops are struggling in Kansas, but thriving well in Missouri! We hope wherever you are your crops are growing well in 2020 and if not that you are controlling what you can and staying as positive and grateful as possible. We also hope that whatever season you are in and struggling with as a momma, you are not alone. We are always here for you and praying each other stronger! This pandemic has proven to make it tough to feel your feelings freely and not fear judgment or shame, but here at the MWFW podcast we are behind whatever decisions you make and choose kindness and acceptance, even if its different than our own opinion! We chatted a few favorite podcasts we currently have listened to, so here they are: Pioneer Tour podcast- https://bit.ly/32MCP4p Grace and Growth with Addie- www.addieyoder.com Moving on podcast- https://www.movingonpodcast.com/