The girls talk about what's happening in their backyards. From too much rain, to not enough and every spray issues Karen is dealing with in between. And of course you can't talk spring update without a conversation about dealing with stress. Drinking, eating, praying and meditation (or medication) the girls talk about handling the pressure.

The girls chat with Sandi Brock about life farming in Ontario, how she fell into sheep and what it means to tell "Truck Truths"

Michael Clark from Bam Wx visited with the girls to talk about inversion risks and what it could mean for those spraying Dicamba this year. He also shares great insight regarding the spring weather forecast and what we can expect in South America over the next couple months.

The girls talk about the recent 200 million plus egg recall hitting the American consumer. What Salmonella is, where it comes from and how to avoid it. They also touch on the recent problems with romaine lettuce and why it's not as seemingly scary as the egg problem.

Taking a look at old wives tales and their role in agriculture. From halos around the moon to turtles crossing the road, see if the girls got all the tales you live by.

The girls discuss what's happening in agriculture currently. From the tax implications for farmers who sell to co-ops through 199a, to the RFS, dairy trouble and why you don't want to mansplain, they touch on it all.

The girls talk about celebrating agriculture, from farmer's share breakfasts to goodie bags for kids. They also talk about the distinction when it comes to educating versus celebrating and why everyone should be invited to enjoy all of the good ag has to offer.

The girls talk about the current developments in the renewable fuels industry. With some politicians work to dismantle the Renewable Fuels Standard the girls talk definitions and what ethanol demand has meant for agriculture in general and what it may mean as we look ahead.

The girls talk about the recent push of a local farm market to refer to farmers outside of their organization as 'soul-less.' Pondering why anyone in agriculture would want to create an us against them mentality and what it might mean for the consumer on the outside looking in.

The girls chat about food labels, from what is a superfood to omega 3s they define those words we see in every grocery store aisle.