The girls talk about what's happened during their 6 week hiatus from the podcasting world. Sick kids, travel, snowmobiling. Life has been rough for more than one member of the GTA crowd.

A hilarious attempt to talk organization. Once left on the cutting room floor the girls decide to dust off an oldie to help you learn what not to do when it comes to being organized--a call for help perhaps.

The girls chat pseudo-science. What it is, who is pushing it and how to avoid falling victim to it in life and agriculture.

The girls talk crowd funding in agriculture.

The girls talk resolutions. Drinking and eating more, helping those around them. And making sure that 2018 isn't in fact three 2017s standing on top of one another wearing a trench coat.

Ag festivus for the rest of us. Grievances, feats of strength, aluminum poles and an appearance by Rob Sharkey!

The girls talk traditions, Black Friday and Jen's American flag bikini.

It's Christmas time! The girls talk gift ideas, traditions and their favorite part of the season.

The girls tackle the recent controversy brewing over women involvement when it comes to agriculture boards, whether they're welcome to do so, or if they're spending more time attending conferences and being a part of groups that are just for them instead.

The girls chat about what's happening in the fields, the markets and the world of agronomy. From snow to Dicamba yield results to winter wheat acre expectations, the girls cover it all.