Aaron Berger, Beef Educator with the University of Nebraska Lincoln joined me to discuss issues related to his recent article in the BeefWatch Newsletter regarding the ins and outs of leasing land and cow herds. Support WCP: WCP Amazon Wishlist WorkingCows.net/Support Links Mentioned: Reviewing Cow-calf Share and Cash Lease Agreements Cow-calf Share/Lease Cow-Q-Lator (3rd Document...
Next week, we go all Mystery Science Theater on a Hallmark Christmas Movie. It doesn't matter which movie, they're all the same: Hot, twenty something millennials living billionaire lifestyles on volunteer salaries. We roast them, hard. Like a burned grilled cheese sandwich. We might even do a live Twitter feed! It could be an entire event! Stay tuned!!
It's not original to say there's too many college bowl games out there, but it is original the way we say it. And later not to our surprise, there's some crazy Ag Twitter people out there.
Jason Mauck is the CEO of Constant Canopy and a farmer in East Central Indiana. He is experimenting with some very cool things and constantly innovating new solutions to opportunities (or problems [depending on your perspective]). Follow WCP: facebook.com/WorkingCows twitter.com/YPClayConry Video Mentioned: Morning thoughts….keep sharing ideas this is great. pic.twitter.com/YIX3LaP71Q — Jason Mauck (@jasonmauck1) November...
I can think of no better way to celebrate World Soil Day than to feature the videographer and photographer for the South Dakota Grassland Coalition’s “Our Amazing Grasslands” videos. A guy who has seen the benefits of soil health and has become passionate about telling the stories of people trying to positively impact their soil...
We "name shame" some lady that got all bent out of shape when someone dared to make fun of her kid's name. You know, the name the lady gave her. We also talk about castration, if that helps....
Josh Sybesma and Calvin DeBoer joined me to debrief after an exciting, informative, and inspiring panel discussion on Local Food at South Dakota Farm Bureau’s 2018 State Convention. Grass-Finished beef was brought up on during the course of this panel discussion and you know a couple of farmer feeders are going to have something to...
Kyle Schell and his family on the Schell Ranch near Wasta, SD were the featured producers for the month of May in the South Dakota Grassland Coalition’s 2018 Grassland Planner. We talk about the difference a year makes and what they are doing to protect the grass resource on their ranch. Subscribe to the WCP:...