Roland Kroos and Patrick Toomey sat down with me after their Holistic Management Roadshow sponsored by the South Dakota Grassland Coalition. We reviewed many of the subjects they touched on at their one-day workshop. Subscribe to the Show: Guest’s Facebook: Guest’s Website: Roland’s Previous Appearance: Ep. 014 Roland Kroos – Managing the...
Steve Kenyon of Greener Pastures Ranching in Busby, AB, CA joined me to discuss his recent article for Canadian Cattlemen. In this article he challenged the paradigm that unconsumed feed in bale grazing is a waste. WCP Social Media: Guest’s Article: Bale Grazing. ‘What a waste of feed!’ NO Guest’s Facebook Page:
Gabe Brown of Bismarck, ND joins me to discuss some of the concepts discussed in his new book Dirt to Soil. Gabe will be a speaker at the 2019 Farm and Ranch Conference. Gabe is a sought-after speaker and consultant on issues related to cover-crops, grazing, and soil health all of which we cover today...
Tim Goodnight is the Bull Development Manager for Pharo Cattle Company in Cheyenne Wells, CO. He joined me to discuss the logistics of finishing steers on forages alone. We talk about the results of their trial run with Cactus feeders as well as the future and the ability of this model to scale. Support the...
Sarah Wentzel-Fisher is the Executive Director of the Quivira Coalition, a Non-Profit based in Santa Fe, NM. Sam Ryerson is a Rancher based in Central New Mexico and a 2010 graduate of Quivira Coalition’s apprenticeship program. They join me today to talk about the opportunities afforded to young ranchers by Quivira’s New Agrarians Apprenticeship Program....
Rich and Sara Grim head-up the Mid-Missouri River Prescribed Burn Association. They have been using fire as a tool for fighting an imbalance of Eastern Redcedar. Subscribe to WCP: Our Amazing Grasslands Video: Mid-Missouri River Prescribed Burn Association on Facebook: Article Mentioned: Working Ranch-September/October 2018