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July 19, 2024: Technology allows tractors to operate without a driver

  • Jul 19, 2024
690 miles of pipeline transporting carbon dioxide from ethanol plants in Iowa update, avian influenza reported in poultry, workers and dairy cattle and news related to farm income weakening recently are some of this week’s headlines! We’ll also hear more about new market opportunities from Delaney Howell’s recent trip to Washington D.C. attending the National Corn Growers Association’s Corn Congress. This week’s interview we hear about a technology in sod farming from founder of Sabanto Craig Rupp and Sales Director Michael Burdick. We’ll not only hear about what it is, but how the start-up began with much of the organization’s background in row crop farming. Follow us daily with agriculture content on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube in addition to our weekly videos!


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Ag Queen Podcast | Episode 83 | American Sugar Alliance

  • Jul 19, 2024
An update on the US sugar industry, including trends and supply and demand


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July 12, 2024: Answering your questions about drones

  • Jul 12, 2024
Weather update throughout the Midwest, an interview answering your questions and what to know about agricultural drone usage, what's happening in the grain markets and an update on Tyson Food's pork plant shutdown in Perry, Iowa are some of this week's headlines! This week's interview we hear from Terraplex Ag's Field Operations Manager Owen Jenks and our weekly update agronomic advice from REDSTAR. Follow us daily with agriculture content on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube in addition to our weekly videos!


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June 28, 2024: Crop protection resources in a wet year

  • Jun 28, 2024
Flooding throughout the Midwest, how a project is testing a method for land appraisers to assign an accurate value to farmland that has various soil health practices and more about the Farm Bill are some of this week's headlines. This week's interviews we hear from Iowa State University Extension Field Agronomist Meaghan Anderson of what to know as the growing season continues alongside our weekly update agronomic advice from REDSTAR. Follow us daily with agriculture content on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube in addition to our weekly videos!


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June 21, 2024: World Issues Impacting Grain Markets

  • Jun 21, 2024
Heat wave throughout the Corn Belt, Farm Bill’s unlikeliness of passage this year with one out of eight steps being completed and EPA and multiple agriculture organizations lawsuit requiring automakers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are some of this week’s headlines. If you’ve seen the viral video of what’s happening with Idaho groundwater, Ag News Daily has that update in addition to more news with a Boone, Iowa 75,000-square-foot fertilizer production and distribution facility. Helping you with more agronomic advice is our friends at REDSTAR. Likewise, hear what’s happening in the grain markets this week with a national holiday and exports with Partner at Consus Ag Consulting Angie Setzer. Follow us daily for content on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube in addition to our weekly videos.


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Ag Queen Podcast | Episode 82 | National Sorghum Producers

  • Jun 19, 2024
On today's Show, National Sorghum Producers, Executive Director, Greg Ruehle talks about the farm bill versions that are currently on the table, the ag appropriations bill, and sustainable aviation fuel credits.Give it a listen!


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June 14, 2024: SHIC's focus on Foreign Animal Disease Research

  • Jun 14, 2024
This week brought more hot temperatures to the US, and wildfires to Canada, but planters continued to roll. Delaney caught up with Dr. Megan Niederwerder, Executive Director of SHIC, to talk about their work at the Swine Health Information Center with a specific focus on foreign animal disease research. This week's headlines include weather, planting progress, the latest Avian Influenza updates, cash rents, and a daily agronomy update with REDSTAR! And be sure to stick around for the very end of the show, when we cover a weekly recap of the markets. Don’t forget to hit subscribe! Follow us on social media!


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June 7, 2024: Lending a helping hand

  • Jun 7, 2024
This week's headlines include weather, planting progress the first weekly crop conditions report, and pork exports to China. We also kick off our first weekly agronomic update with the folks at REDSTAR LLC. World Pork Expo brought in folks from around the nation this week into Des Moines, and with Iowa's first case of H5N1 reported in dairy cattle, biosecurity remains a top concern. Delaney caught up with Dr. Megan Niederwerder, Executive Director of SHIC, to discuss the potential impact of the disease on the pork industry. Then Delaney sits down with Terry Johnston of Farm Rescue! Lending a helping hand to families in times of need, Farm Rescue's mission is to help farmers and ranchers who have experienced a major illness, injury, or natural disaster by providing the necessary equipment and volunteer workforce to plant, hay or harvest their crop. Livestock feeding assistance is also available to ranchers. Farm Rescue helps farm and ranch families in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota, and will soon be expanding to Wisconsin! And be sure to stick around for the end of the show, when we cover a weekly recap of the markets.


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May 31, 2024: The history of Ihle Fabrication

  • May 31, 2024
After a holiday-shortened week, Tanner and Delaney are back in action. This week's headlines include weather, planting progress, Avian Influenza, Chinese trade news, and more! Ihle Fabrication is a leading provider in manufacturing agriculture wear parts for combines and other equipment. The team sits down with Todd Harmeyer to chat about all things equipment on today's show! Use code AND24 for a discount on your next order!


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May 24, 2024: Aqua-Yield, the future of Nanotechnology?

  • May 24, 2024
Across the country this week, many in the corn belt faced severe weather conditions including multiple deadly tornadoes, flooding, and extreme thunderstorms. This week's headlines include weather, planting progress, an update on the Farm Bill, H5N1, tar spot research, and more! Throwing things back with a little technology-themed episode with the CEO and Co-founder of Aqua-Yield, Clark Bell. And be sure to stick around for the end of the show, when we cover a weekly recap of the markets. Don’t forget to hit subscribe and follow us on social media!


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