By Kristine Penning, AgCareers.com
When you first start a new job or are just beginning your career, if you’re anything like me, you’ll want people to like you and respect you right off the bat. The key to earning a good reputation quickly lies in working hard and remaining humble. Here are my top five recommendations to build a solid reputation at work quickly.
Do something without being asked.
Take initiative and do something for someone else or work ahead on a project or task that’s upcoming. Putting in the work and the time, perhaps even ahead of time, to get something done not even (yet) assigned to you will impress quickly.
Try figuring it out on your own.
While you shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions (because you are learning and questions should be welcome), it’s also important to try fending for yourself early on. If you encounter a problem or find yourself unsure in a situation at work, try using your available resources to solve it on your own. This, just like doing something without being prompted or asked to, also shows initiative and independence.
Practice patience, humility & kindness.
These three are some of the most important traits you could ever possess. Everyone wants to work with someone who is kind, humble, and patient. Display these qualities by listening well, respecting others, taking ownership and apologizing for mistakes, giving credit to others when due, smiling, and saying thank you.
Be an asset.
With humility in mind, also don’t be afraid to offer your opinion, ideas, or suggestions in places where welcome and where it could help or improve something. Show your coworkers and manager that you are a good hire and a valuable team member.
Welcome challenges and new experiences.
You prove accountability when you are willing to take on or try something new. This is especially true if this task or experience is something new to your organization/business, or if it is a difficult or menial job. Growth occurs outside of your comfort zone. Professional growth increases your value as an employee.